Tiny Viking

Logo & Brand Identity, Stationary design & website

— 2019

About the brand & story

First when the company established she was first hand making things for her new born baby. From that she started to make more and opened Tiny Viking.

In 2019 there was a rebranding for the company and changes inside the company. First the style was changed, new logo made & knitting courses added.

Tiny Viking is today a creative studio that teaches creatives courses online & sell beautiful handmade products for babies. The owner Tinna is focusing on teaching courses online & teaching up-cycle to reuse fabrics and clothing to create something new.


I loved everything about this project, it was great to work with Tinna. Challenge was to find good colors that would create the atmosphere for the brand and writing mission, vision and value statement. There must be a clear vision of how the company stands and what they are working towards.


I'm happy about this beautiful brand I've helped to create. It has warm style and atmosphere that creates mood for the brand.

Brand Identity

Sweet & elegant logo look with colors that creates warm atmosphere. The crown over the T to create the focal point of the logo and it creates the Elegant look with gold texture in.


I helped Tinna to setup the course on the website. I designed the website for her but she maintains it herself. Use of colors and typography to highlight the brand.




Umbrot á verkefnum fyrir Fjármála og efnahagsráðuneyti Íslands - 2024-2025